A magical machine serves as home for a lonely man, opens a secret door to the world of magic, rhythm and love. This morning began with a great misunderstanding and everything went wrong. The exquisitely designed “machine” invites children to embark on a journey of imagination, and dig up the most precious treasure of the human heart.
Testimonials / Awards
The play won “The best show” and “The best scenery” awards at the Haifa International Children’s Theatre Festival 2019
“Best Studio Theatre Program”, NOW FESTIVAL! – international festival and fair of performing arts for young audience in Shanghai. 2020
“The shining cherry on the Israeli theater cake. A charming show that is a masterpiece of creativity. It has the simple and eternal charm of Charlie Chaplin’s tradition that its core always touches the deep essence of the human heart.” -Haaretz review
About the Company
Ornan Braier combines a wide variety of performing arts in his shows and thus he became a unique and original artist in Israel and around the world. His stage language is based on powerful visual images combined with distinctive music and sweeps all the senses of the audience. His show “Tailor Made” is performed around the world and won local and international prizes.
Created and performed by Ornan Braier
Inspired by Ornan’s Grandfather, a maker and repairer who invented Israel’s first washing machine.