Masterclass with Xavier Bobés

“The memory of the object”

September 7 + 8, 10am-3pm (with a lunch break)

At Sandglass Theater


Theatre of objects workshop: the games, the memory and creation.

Everything that surrounds us in our everyday life reflects our doubts, fears, joys…
And all the objects that surround us have a form, color, weight, volume … that portray us.

Bobés describes the ways in which silence offered him a link to objects, allowing him to translate their objectness in a process he compares to the work of an interpreter. He discusses key texts that have shaped his thinking around objects, including Paul Auster’s The Invention of Solitude and George Perec’s The Infra-Ordinary and Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, and the development of early productions such as The King of Loneliness and Insomni. The masterclass moves through questions of space, time and memory in a theatrical frame.

In this masterclass, participants will explore objects that inspire us, which influence us in our daily routine, and which attract or repel us. Building on these principles, participants will create a series of improvisations, while working within guidelines provided by the Xavi.

The most insignificant of gestures, the smallest object and even the things we avoid often reveal our most human nature. In manipulating the objects and their environment, we can awaken metaphors for our emotions, and for the reality in which we live.

Object performance can often feel enigmatic. This workshop does not seek to decode objects, but rather will seek out the potential and playful possibilities of object performance